My story

Hey there! My name is Monika, a mom to two adorable bundles of energy, two girls aged 5 and 7. Life has taken us on quite an adventure recently. From the cozy streets of Hungary to the sunny shores of Mauritius, we’ve faced a whirlwind of change.

One of the major shifts for us? My oldest daughter began attending a Montessori school here in Mauritius. It was a whole new ball game for us, and boy, did it open our eyes! Curiosity provoked, I found myself diving into piles of books, reading articles, and chatting with other parents about their experiences.

And you know what? The more I learned, the more I realized just how incredible this approach to learning truly is. It’s not just about education; it’s about developing independence, encouraging creativity, and empowering little minds to thrive in their unique way.

So here I am, typing away at my keyboard, fueled by coffee and a passion for sharing what I’ve discovered. This blog? It’s my way of offering a helping hand to fellow parents navigating the Montessori maze. Whether you’re experienced or just starting to get to know Montessori, I’m here to offer advice, insights, and stories to help you along the way.

So stick around, and let’s start this Montessori journey together. After all, there’s nothing quite like the magic of watching our little ones blossom before our eyes.